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The word cargo refers in particular to goods or produce being conveyed – generally for commercial gain – by ship, boat, or aircraft, although the term is now often extended to cover all types of freight, including that carried by train, van, truck, or intermodal container. The term cargo is also used in case of goods in the cold-chain, because the perishable inventory is always in transit towards a final end-use, even when it is held in cold storage or other similar climate-controlled facility.
Job Vacancy
Posisi Customer Service
Dengan Syarat Umum :
- Pria / Wanita fresh graduated
- Pendidikan min SMA / Sederajat
- Usia maks 25 tahun dan belum menikah
- Tempat tinggal sekitar cakung
- Dapat mengoperasikan excel dan word
- Komunikatif dan mampu beradaptasi dengan customer
- Memiliki keinginan dan kemampuan untuk belajar
Cara Mengirimkan CV dan berkas lamaran kerja yang meliputi:
- Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada SWI Logistics
- CV (daftar riwayat hidup)
- Fotocopy ijasah dan transkrip nilai
- Fotocopy KTP
- Foto 4X6 sejumlah 2 lembar
Kirimkan via POS/Email ke alamat ini :
Head Office
Green Sedayu Bizpark Cakung Blok GS 8A No.28 Jl. Clilincing Cakung Timur
Jakarta Indonesia
Website : http://www.swi-logistics.co.id
Email :hrd@swi-logistics.co.id
Benefit yang didapat :
- Gaji pokok
- Tunjangan transportasi
- Incentive
- Training
- Kesehatan